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Classroom Policies

In an effort to limit exposure, we have a few new regulations.

Class Structure

Class size is limited to 6 children


Children and teachers must remain in the same group throughout the day


Although children mingling during play is often inevitable, physical distancing (6 feet) for children and adults within the classroom will be practiced as much as possible.

Materials in

the Classroom

If anything in the classroom is exposed to bodily fluids and cannot be easily cleaned with a sanitizing spray, it will be removed.


There will be a limited number of toys and materials in the classroom in general to reduce the risk of contact contamination.


We will follow strict sanitizing procedures at the end of each day and take extra precaution with any materials that have come into contact with children’s saliva, mucus or any other bodily fluid.


We will be cleaning the preschool daily.


The bathroom will be wiped down and disinfected between each use.

Hand Washing Policy

Our hand washing policies follow the strict guidelines and rules.


We will continue to follow those guidelines with increased frequency of washing and pay special attention to situations and times that we may need to implement even more frequent hand washing.

What to Bring

We will be limiting what students can bring from home.


Students should not bring food or drink from home.


Bring a labeled fitted crib sheet in a non-porous bag. We will send them home to be laundered weekly.


Please bring a container of Lysol or Clorox disinfecting wipes on your child’s first day of preschool.


During this time, if your family/child participates in any travel within or outside the United States, your child may not return to school for 14 days while you monitor your health prior to re-admittance to our center. We highly advise not traveling outside of the United States at this time. Please see Coronavirus and Travel in the United States for additional information.


The Gan MidPen is asking families and staff to sign a waiver stating they are at the school of their own free will and understand the potential risk involved with being at the preschool. The Waiver must be signed by parents before the first day at preschool.

Contact Us

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© 2021 The Gan Midpen Jewish Preschool     |     523 Topaz Street, Redwood City, CA 94062    |     |     (650)274-6198

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